- Aggressive portfolio
Have primarily equities or similar higher risk investments, weighted toward aggressive growth, small company and international investments.
An aggressive portfolio may be suitable for you if you:
- Have high return expectations for your investments
- Can tolerate higher degrees of fluctuation (sharp, short-term volatility) in the value of your investments
- Are a younger or a more experienced investor and a risk taker
- Desire returns that exceed inflation
- Have 15 years or more before you will need to utilize the money from your investments
- Moderately aggressive portfolio
Has 80 percent equities or similar higher risk investments focused on growth, while also offering income-oriented investments. A moderately aggressive portfolio may be suitable for you if you:
- Have moderately high expectations for a return on your investments
- Can tolerate market downturns and volatility for the possibility of achieving greater long-term gains
- Are an experienced equity investor
- Desire potential returns that moderately outpace inflation
- Have 10 years or more before you will need to utilize the money from your investments
- Moderate portfolio
An intermediate risk and return portfolio that provides a blend of equities and income-oriented investments. A moderate portfolio may be suitable for you if you:
- Have moderate return expectations for your investments
- Want some current income return on your investments
- Are willing and able to accept a moderate level of risk and return
- Are primarily a growth investor but want greater diversification
- Are concerned about inflation
- Have five or more years before you will need to utilize the money from your investments
- Moderately conservative portfolio
Has 25 percent invested in stability of principal, 30 percent in income-oriented investments and the remaining 45 percent in equities to provide growth potential. A moderately conservative portfolio may be suitable for you if you:
- Need more current income from your investments
- Are willing and able to accept some risk/volatility
- Are a cautious or first-time investor
- Want some potential hedge against inflation
- Have five or fewer years before you will need to utilize the money from your investments
- Conservative portfolio
A conservative portfolio with only 20 percent invested in growth and growth and income investments, 40 percent in income-oriented investments and 40 percent in stability of principal. A conservative portfolio may be suitable for you if you:
- Need income to supplement your cash flow
- Are unwilling or unable to accept risk/volatility
- Are a cautious investor
- Are more concerned about current income than outpacing inflation
- Have five or fewer years before you will need to utilize the money from your investments